Friday, January 29, 2010

Let the spring planting begin?

In a climate like ours in the Texas Hill Country the only season that stands alone is summer. Fall morphs into winter which mixes freely with spring. I still have some of my fall garden going - carrots, broccoli, fennel and parsley. Then I have some garden constituents that should really be considered winter residents (in Texas, at least) - garlic, shallots, cilantro. And now I've started planting for the spring. I might be two or three weeks ahead of schedule but some Red LasSoda potatoes went in the ground last Sunday. I heard our local radio organic garden guru (think of a braided ponytail with a voice like Garrison Keillor with a smoking habit) say today I should have waited, but it was too late, the spuds are in. If I can find some good starts onions are going in soon, too. I have been reading instructions to slightly over-plant the onions (one start every 2-3 inches) and then you can harvest green ones as a way of thinning. And who does not like green onions? My first fall of planting shows that I have little faith in seeds sprouting and therefore I over-plant everything. It is nice to find a vegetable that rewards doubt.

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