Sunday, October 11, 2009

More rain, questions

I didn't know it was supposed to, but it has rained again today. A nice, slow drizzle from 8 or so through early afternoon. Half an inch, I'd guess. I think that is good. Could it be too much rain? Is there any such thing?
I built trellises in the garden yesterday morning. I've backed off calling them tuteurs. They are not nearly beautiful or sturdy enough for that title. I should back off using the term built, as well. Threw together, seems more appropriate. The pictures are coming and we can have some fun placing bets on days to destruction.
My questions are : shouldn't my plants be bigger by now? why have the fennel and dill stopped growing at 4 cm high? what the hell is the matter with the tomato plant now? fertilize more? water less? the pumpkins seem happy, why not everybody else? will I get any production before the first frost? lettuce seeds or transplants?
The questions, as I read them, are less quizzical and more plaintive than I intended. I stand in the garden, then lean over and stare at the parsley and wonder: are they supposed to look this way? Are they too small? Is that even parsley or just weeds? I've no frame of reference, no experience. I look forward to a time when I can say, "Oh, the parsley is doing OK, no need to fertilize. Last year, they looked just like this and that was one parsley crop to see. We had so much the neighbors wouldn't speak to us for fear of receiving parsley."
I'm sure that time will come. And a lot of the wonder of gardening, or just doing something new will go before it comes. I should enjoy my ignorance.
But really, what is that tomato's damn problem?

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