Friday, October 30, 2009

Belated planting update

I've been out of town recently and lazy perpetually, so my daily blog is looking a bit monthly.

Since I last wrote I've planted many seeds - three different kinds of beets, cilantro (coriander), Parisian carrots and arugula. I am an unrepentant anglophile, so I've taken to calling arugula "Rocket". If I ever get over to France I'll start calling it Roquette, but my french accent will be so bad no one will notice a difference. I'll have to explain the change and everyone involved in the situation will not be amused.

I am sure everyone is dying to know, why so many varieties of beets? He has such a small garden, is he mad to allot such precious space to so many beets? Truth is, most of my beet eating has been the canned, pickled kind. They are awful. Even more awful if you spot them in the Thanksgiving buffet and think they are canned cranberry sauce. You put a pickled beet in your mouth expecting cranberries instead, and you do not want beets again for a very long time.

I planted so many beets because my Mom requested them. Apparently she loves them, I never knew that. So she asked and I planted. The same goes for all family and friends. Ask and I shall plant. Of course if your not my Mom, you probably will not get such a good response. One variety, maybe two, but not three.

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