Thursday, October 8, 2009

More plantings; first off topic side note

I planted Swiss Chard seeds (big, spiky seeds), garlic cloves and shallots on Saturday morning in the light rain. It then poured down on Saturday night and today I already have Chard seedlings pushing through.
The garlic and shallots raised a couple of questions. 1) What is the difference between the ones I bought at King Feed and the ones I buy at the grocery? Since I paid more for the ones at the feed store, I've decided to not deliberately anger myself and will not answer this question until next fall before I plant more garlic and shallots. 2) I knew to break up the cloves before planting, but to plant with paper husk on or as naked cloves? I couldn't find much on this topic online or in my books. I am sure the answer is so obvious as to not even bare mentioning, but which one? I found a video of P. Allen Smith (a somewhat more masculine version of Martha Stewart, sans prison tats) planting some garlic and he doesn't mention one way or another, but a close up shot looked like husk on. So there I was.
Other news - I have some great new pictures of pumpkin blooms, those will go up soon. Also all my vining plants are large enough to require something to climb on and I plan to build some tuteurs over the next few days. I'll post photos of those to immortalize my architectural wonders (How do they remain standing?).

Non-gardening side note - check out this trailer for a new book out
Lynn is a freind and I think the book will be good and I just know that this blog will provide the publicity her book needs to be a big hit. Right? Hello? Is this thing on?

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