Sunday, October 3, 2010

Stone wall, completed

I know, it looks short. That is on purpose, to provide seating during the 123rd annual Croquet Tournament this spring. I guess it will provide seating year round, but never will it play as large a role as during our April game. Many an inebriated participant will rest his or her weary rear upon this wall.
I am inordinately proud of my wall. All of the stone came off our property; all of the stone was dug, loaded, hauled and stacked by me. The joy of simple physical labor, when it is not compulsory mind you, cannot be overstated. I don't know which was more satisfying - digging up a really nice rock or stacking a good rock in the right place. In my readings on wall makings, I learned a couple of rules - stack one on two (stagger your seams) and don't cut rocks, find rocks (that fit). I will add two more - one, if you pick up a rock and try to place it in the same spot more than twice, it doesn't fit! Stop trying and throw it back. And two, if you see a rock that would fit in the area you are working on, but really had in your mind to use that rock somewhere else due to it's particular shape and color, just give in and use it now. No matter what you think you planned, a rock wall is not a jigsaw puzzle or math problem, there are no right answers, only wrong decisions that will delay your construction. You see the hole, see the rock - they fit, put it there and move on.
It is very simple. I did mention above my pride was greater than the sum of my accomplishments.
I check out rock walls as I make my daily rounds with more interest now. I have always liked them, but now I judge each wall against my own. Some I win, most I lose. As simple a task as stone masonry is, I have more than just some room for improvement.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog entry came up because I'm house sitting for my sister outside of Boerne, and am building a stone wall across the front of the property. This is about 300 feet. I am going 3 feet high and I think I've bitten off more than I can chew!
