Thursday, February 11, 2010

Potato Update

My potatoes are still not up. I read it can take three weeks, so I'm not too worried just yet. But all the same, I am making alternate plans. I watched Central Texas Gardener this morning and Trisha Shirey (one of the segment host) gave a concise five minute lecture on growing potatoes. I am now convinced I put mine in too soon. She discussed buying your seed potatoes early and letting them sprout some before planting, splitting the big potatoes and dusting the cut edges with sulfur powder and how to plant potatoes in containers. If my first planting is a failure, I think my next planting is going to be in some old half whiskey barrels I inherited with my house. Trisha showed, and I've read of similar techniques in The Texas Gardener magazine, to only fill the container up 1/4 of the way then plant your potato and then keep covering a large percentage of the new growth until your container is mostly full. That way you maximize production in a vertical space.
The whole scenario reminds of a sign one of my high school teachers had on his blackboard - One doesn't plan to fail, one buys and plants potatoes too soon and then ends up doing most of one's research by accident whilst listening to the radio and watching tv and then one has to plant all over again. The proverb didn't make much since at the time but now the veracity of it strikes home and it seems like one of those elemental truths in life.
For those not in the know - Central Texas Gardener is a local PBS program that is very well done and is chock-o-block full of good information. It opens with a tour of a local, usually private garden. They show the garden from various camera angles and interview the gardener. The only downside to the tour is that the producers pair it with these calming instrumental pieces of background music. The music may be what some consider really good, in a town like Austin you would think so, but it makes me want to simultaneously vomit and weep. And neither gardening nor music should make you feel that way. The show is hosted by Tom Spencer, who has a good manner about him as he interviews a weekly guest. He also host a weekly radio show that is one of the better in Austin. I met him at a party one time and while I was in awe of the celebrity in our midst, everyone else, including Tom, couldn't figure out why I was so excited to meet him. I think that is all one needs to learn about Central Texas Gardener from me.

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