Saturday, July 2, 2011

Summer in List Form

I almost forgot that I was going to use an easy to read list form for my garden happenings -

  • Harvested Cherokee trail of tears - 10 vines, good growth = enough dry beans to feed one very small person one very small meal
  • harvested garlic - never made big bulbs
  • no show by tobacco horn worms - apparently my tomato plants are too lame for catepillars
  • turks turban squash was going like gang buster and then the main branch wilted and died. I suspect squash vine borer
  • sweet potatoes holding on and alive but not getting bigger. They would like some water, I bet
  • stem off my plumeria was broken off accidentally, so I am rooting it in a pot with compost - it looks to be going well. (using water from a/c condensation collection to keep it and the main plumeria watered)
  • planting acorn squash, turks turbans and pumpkins this weekend to have in time for fall. I will hand water and set up western shade until they get established - if no rain in september, I'll let them go, too.
  • waiting and begging for fall, football season and rain.

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