Saturday, May 14, 2011


      1. Green Bean harvest has begun

      2. Potatoes, onions and garlic are almost ready to be harvested

      3. First tomatoes starting to ripen ever so slightly. No sign of tomato (tobacco) horn (hook) worms

      4. First okra bloom

      5. Jalapenos look ready - how does one know?

      6. No courgette production, yet

      7. Deer ate all sunflowers, poppies (the Shirley's were finally blooming), some of the roses and even tried my copper canyon daisy. Did not eat bachelors button, despite close proximity.

      8. Fig tree is starting to set fruit.

      9. Datura started blooming (at my place of business, but my garden none the less)

      10. Sweet potato slips are in

  • In armadillo trapping news, I trapped a (wait for it!)


    Grey, I think. After a lot of very angry growling from both parties, I managed to set him free. His running buddy (I assume. How can I tell the difference between one fox and another? I can't. It just makes a better story than he was a) rabid b) had distemper or c) really stupid and just came back. Maybe it was the same fox and he was just suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. I like that ok.) came into the garden 15 minutes after I let his friend go to check on him. How cute. Stay out of my trap!

    It rained, finally, 1.75 inches. I look forward to seeing if everything takes off or if my garden is apathetic and disaffected by all the drought and just shrugs in defeat. I am hoping for taking off with gusto.

    The sweet potato planting is of note because every year I want to plant them and every year I forget, but this year I heard Dromgoole mention their availability on his radio show whilst plugging his own store (way to stay professional, John!) and ran over to get some. I'll try to remember what varieties. Maybe John is a pretty good guy after all. Except for when he goes off the edge of the hippidome and uses garden radio time to promote a course held in Red Rock, Texas called something like "Dentistry without going to a Dentist". I kid you not. Home dentistry. I suggest a subtitle or two , (I love subtitles) 1)" or How Take Self Sufficiency Way Too Far and Hurt Yourself and Your Loved Ones While You Do!" 2) "or You Are an Idiot and Deserve To Be In Pain, Let Us Help". Really, people. Besides needless suffering, what does that have to do with gardening, John? Thanks for the sweet potatoes, though.